
Hi, let's stay in touch!

My dear god, my insomnia is worse than ever and my jetlag is still causing problems. I think it's because I forgot to face the daylight yesterday hehe, I had a quick breakfast and then I sat the whole day e-mailing in my basement without any windows haha. So I guess my body's internal clock is completely messed up hehe, and I've only had 4hours of sleep for the last 2 days but I'm still not sleepy hmmm.. Trying to force myself to catch as much daylight as I can today and hopefully I'll be sleepy tonight so I'll finally get some rest :P. But the good thing about these sleepless nights is that you get time to think! Last night I was thinking that maybe I should stop drinking for a while and focus on band work, exercise and healthy food instead. Well, I always eat healthy, but I think a healthy diet works better if it's not mixed with loads of liquor on a daily basis :). As you all know I love to drink and I'm a responsible drunk and I function very well on alcohol too. Still, it's probably wise to skip it for a while. For health reasons. Damn, I'm gonna be at least 100 years old. My chances for a long life increases the less poison I put in my body, I suppose. I'll try at least and you better support me on this one as it's gonna be hard :) Now I have to dig into piles of paper. I hate this. But I need to have it done before the next world tour starts :) Luv ya! //LONDON

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Video Recap from USA / MORC

Let us introduce...

CRASDIET 2024 1080x1080 news
The time has come to enter the next chapter in the CRASHDÏET book of madness.

After much soul-searching, Gabriel has decided to leave the band to focus on other things in life.

We are shaken by his decision, but we respectfully wish him all the best in his future endeavors and thank him for the years he worked with us and his contribution to the last two studio albums.

Taking over the vocal duties will be none other than John Elliot. A good friend and excellent singer from the band Confess! He has the drive and the hunger to lead us into a promising future.

We also welcome Martin's brother, Michael, as the band's permanent drummer! He has stepped in for Eric on countless shows since 2011 and is a natural fit for us. Now that Peter is back and full of energy, we can proudly announce the lineup of CRASHDÏET in 2024:

John Elliot
Martin Sweet
Peter London
Michael Sweet

See you on the long and winding road!





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